Littlies Combined
Enrol Now / Register

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9.45am to 10.30am.

A class with parent involvement that follows a loose structure combining group activities with free choice play. These classes focus on fundamental gymnastics movement patterns assisting each child to reach their milestones. The class gives children the opportunity to experience different surfaces, gymnastics apparatus and provides sensory stimulation, all to help improve their strength, balance, flexibility, co-ordination, and confidence.

This class is suitable 1–6 year-olds from crawling bubs, toddlers and older children who may need more assistance or benefit from less structure. This class can also cater for parents who may like to bring more than one child to the same class but is also suitable for parents bringing one child.

2025 Term 1 starts from Monday 3rd February.

  • Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9.45am to 10.30am.
  • $22 per 45 minute class. We run a 10-week term $220 (excludes registration fee)
  • You can enrol at any time throughout the term, fees will pro-rata.
  • Classes have a coach ratio of 1:6 (usually classes are 2:12)

Gymnastics NSW Athlete Membership Fee

All recreational enrolments (full term or partial term) will include a compulsory Gymnastics NSW Athlete Membership Registration & Insurance Fee of $25 per term.


Should you know your class and wish to book straight in, please:

  • Click on Enrol Now / Register button.
  • Click on Recreational Enrolment completing all steps 1-4. 
  • Payment of term fees and the Gymnastics NSW Athlete Membership fee will be required at time of enrolment.
Trial Classes

We offer trial classes at any time throughout the term for a single class fee.

To register for a trial please:

  • Review the 2025 Term 1 Timetable.
  • Click on Enrol Now / Register button.
  • Complete Register for a Trial form with preferred class name and day.
  • We will check availability and confirm your trial via email.